We glorify God by building a life defined by being “IN CHRIST!” (Identity)
Your personal identity is always second in importance to what you think about God!
An Identity is the authoritative voice(self talk) in your head when you look in the mirror…
An Identity makes you think a in a specific way. It is like a magnet. If it is unhealthy, watch out.
An Identity may be what we hide behind in hopes the real “me” stays out of the way.
Most of us have competing identities…
We are not sure how we feel about ourselves
A false Identity may lie to you about who you really are…
Keep scrolling to find great resources to build your identity “In Christ!”
Featured Product:
Essential Identity: In a World of Options study guide and workbook
This guide dives deep into what identity is and its effects on us.
What we will learn is that life flows from what we identify with. Our identity will dictate our thinking patterns, our emotions, and especially our actions.
This guide opens our minds to reconsider our identity in light of various scriptures.
Take a moment to look at these two options. In the first option, have a manual shipped to your home. In the second option, download each chapter and print them out when you're ready.
Many other "identity" helps are available on the Free page and the Store page.
Thanks for taking a moment to consider this very important topic!
Essential Identity Study
(Spiral Bound Workbook)

Some recent blogs from The Xchange!
God With a Plan!
“Why would God put His Spirit in us? Why not just keep things the same, with animal sacrifices or something similar. God completed His plan for salvation in Jesus, But salvation with Jesus went further than an amazing sacrifice! It brought His Spirit into us.”
Identity always starts with God since He created us and the world we live in.
How a Good Identity Becomes Corrupt
“There are few things in life that hurt more than being rejected for who you are. Can you name any? I suppose death and dying in a terrible way. But in general, the greatest pains in life are cast in the arena of some form of rejection…”
When rejection happens to us we are reminded how easily we can be shaped and formed by an experience.
How Does God Want us to Build our Identity?
“The world around us is starting to see the power of identity. Songs are sung, churches are preaching messages about it, and the number of books, articles, and blog posts about who we are “in Christ” is increasing. We are not exactly sure we know why, but we are assured that it is crucial; it just makes sense that it is.”
Because God desires His glory, He has a desire for how we see ourselves.