The road of life is paved with good intentions…
But what if good intentions are not enough?
My Story
The Xchange was birthed out of weakness. I found myself becoming overwhelmed and frustrated with the Christians life. When I first became a pastor, some 20+ years ago, I had the best of intentions to change the world for Jesus. This meant Christmas’ filled with only “Christian” gifts, reading the Bible a specific number of times, planting a church, going to church, and trying to raise Christian kiddos. It all became exhausting. Simply said, I am now on a journey of trying to let Christ live through me and Xchanging a self-focused life for a Christ-focused life!
The weaknesses that I speak of included no longer pastoring, almost losing a child to suicide, many questionable choices, and using life experiences to prove my worthiness. It didn’t work. I am thankful for how God stepped in and gave me this ministry. I hope we can journey together to build an identity in Christ that unleashes the church upon the darkness our world lives in. I hope you will join me in this battle!
The Xchange
The Xchange is a Christian discipleship ministry, that seeks To glorify God by building a life defined by being “In Christ;” Because our thoughts, feelings and actions are driven by how we see ourselves!
Every Christian needs to glorify God by thinking more like Jesus. When we do our emotions will come to love what Jesus loves. As our emotions fall in line with our thoughts, we will be motivated to be more obedient.
We can no longer be satisfied with just having good intentions. We need to see Jesus alive in His church, in His people.
It starts with you, it starts with me, both yielded to God! Together we can be the church with our brothers and sisters in Christ as Christ leads us into the future!
Will you join me in trusting the work of Christ to Xchange that self-driven life for one led by Jesus?
What you will see…
The Xchange desires to see God as our compass for navigating life. He created us and knows us best. He indwells us with His Holy Spirit for a reason.
As Christians, He should be our source of life and direction in all we do. But we can easily wander off His path. We rely on things like jobs, emotions, roles, experiences, successes, rejections, and the like to lead us through life circumstances. This never ends well.
There are consequences for this. Most of them affect our soul through an identity that becomes unhealthy as it relies upon things other than Jesus!
Peter reminds us of this in, “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.” 1 Peter 2:11 (ESV)
I pray you will explore this idea of identity further, please subscribe to make sure you never miss a beat as we grow together becoming stronger “in Christ"!”
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