Free Resources!

Use the download link next to each title. FYI- short video explanations will be added in the coming weeks!


Gospel Presentation Download

This is a reminder of the gospel and also includes a couple components related to identity at the time of salvation. This NOT a new gospel for salvation, just a more complete emphasis of what happens at salvation.


Identity Builders Download

This is a summary of the categories of life
that seem to exert the most influence
upon our identity formation. Each
category can become a source of pride,
hope, and life; ultimately replacing Christ’s
influence in us. (Though not losing salvation)


Unhealthy Identity Download

This is a picture of what the influences of life look like on a daily basis. Each of them want to have authoritative power upon your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It reminds us of all the ways we can be tempted away from abiding in Christ.


Healthy Identity Download

This is a picture of what influences of life look like on a daily basis. The difference is that when we see ourselves “in Christ” He acts as a filter to each of those influences so we can respond appropriately without letting them have defining influence on us.


Identity Definition Download

This is the definition of identity used at the Xchange ministry. It is a definition that was developed over a couple of years it is a bit clunky, but covers all the bases when it comes to a better understanding what is an identity. It can be Jesus, or it can be a rock that you believe has special powers.


Identity Flows Download

This is a picture of what influences of life look like on a daily basis. The difference is that when we see ourselves “in Christ” He acts as a filter to each of those influences so we can respond appropriately without letting them have defining influence on us.


Identity Affirmation Prayer (women)

When building a strong identity by faith in Jesus Christ, we pray His truth about us asking the Holy Spirit to help us experience it as reality. We train our minds and emotions to yield to what God is doing in us through our faith in His word.


Identity Affirmation Prayer (men)

This is a picture of what influences of life look like on a daily basis. The difference is that when we see ourselves “in Christ” He acts as a filter to each of those influences so we can respond appropriately without letting them have defining influence on us.


“In Christ Verses” Download

This document simply points out a few of the verses referring to the blessings we have been given because of our salvation in Jesus. They are not blessings because we worked for them or based on good performance. They are ours because of our attachment to Jesus, by faith!


Identity Songs Playlist Download

This spreadsheet has dozens if songs on it that point to our new identity found in Jesus. Music helps our mind wrap around thoughts. When we listen to the words, and consider what they mean, they can renew our minds and emotions to yield to Jesus rather than some imitation.


Xchange Logo Explained Download

The Xchange logo is meant to remind us that we have crucified the self (black arrow) and only Christ can bring new life (red arrow). As Christians we have a new goal to “Live Resurrected!”


Mindset Inventory Download

Our thought life is always moving at faster than life speed. We have thought patterns that affect our identity. Two main mindsets are a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. This is not a fun activity but it can be very eye opening. This is a preliminary draft, but will updated in the coming weeks. The information is too important to not be thing about it. Go into this being honest with yourself.


Morning Mandate Download

Every day we need to start the day renewing our minds with God’s truth. Read these statements daily as you get to know the blessings of God that true about you right now. When we see ourselves as God sees us it will change how we decide to live each day. It may take time, but it will happen.


Old Self VRS. New Self Download

When we see the contrast set up for us in the Bible we see that their is an old way of living and a new way of living. The old way is our flesh, the new way is of the Spirit. They fight against each other. We need to be aware of them in order to take our next steps of following Jesus into the future!