How Does God Want us to Build our Identity?

The world around us is seeing the power of identity.  Songs are sung, churches are preaching messages about it, and the number of books, articles, and blog posts about who we are “in Christ” increase weekly.  

The world around us is not being silent when it comes to figuring out who we are, so why do we not spend more time refining ours as children of God?  

As Christians, we would be wise to look daily at what God can add to this conversation about identity. I think He would prefer to help us in our quest for the perfect identity rather than leaving it up to us.  

Remember that sin has corrupted or polluted how we think, feel and behave as individuals and as a community.

It cannot be overstated, we must remember to turn to scripture to identify what God has revealed about this identity, so here we go. 
Genesis is an excellent start for beginnings, so we begin with identity in the creation story.  God has come to the climax of all creation.  What is God creating?  A man and a woman.  

Notice what it says about this moment in history:   

So God created man in his own image, 
in the image of God he created him; 
male and female he created them.
— Genesis 1:27 (ESV)

Now this passage could be used in a variety of ways today. Often this verse is used to fight evolution, show differences between animals and us, and show why humans are unique and worthy of dignity and respect—all good stuff.  But I think there is something more important that God was communicating to His people!  

I think God was informing His people that He was creating a people who would praise and honor Him as God. 

God opens this door wider in Exodus as  God takes a people for Himself, and He will be their God.  A relationship like no other!  Notice how it says it here…   

I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.
— Exodus 6:7 (ESV)

Throughout scripture, we see many passages that speak of this amazing relationship.  

This idea continues into the New Testament, as a strong case for why Jesus came to build his church, God’s people.  

The Apostle Paul wrote strongly about our growth in his letters to the first century post-resurrection churches. Here are two examples:

“…my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!”
— Galatians 4:19 (ESV)
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
— Ephesians 2:8–10 (ESV)

Now we can look all the way back to Genesis and realize that part of being made in the image of God is possessing the capacity to be like Christ in ways that still allow for the distinction from our Creator and even one another.  

God’s perfect plan was to be the life of His people and flesh out His character through each of us!

A life of faith, as we follow Jesus!

To identify with Jesus we need to have God be our source of thinking, feeling and decision making for our actions! 

I say that God created us in His image so that humanity could possess the capacity to think, feel and behave the way He desires us to, fulfilling His purposes for His glory.

We are indeed the people of God, and HE is indeed the God of our people!  

To be like Christ.  Pursuing Christ to be formed in us.  Does this not speak to the idea of thinking more like Jesus, loving the things that Jesus loved, and behaving in ways that express a godly mind and therefore lifestyle.  This is how we build a strong identity.

Could we say with Paul in Ephesians that if we identified with Jesus and lived as image-bearers of God, we should be able to do the work that God has for us while expressing, in our bodies,  Christ's presence in the world around us? 

Why can’t Christ live His life through us?

This is what Galiatians 2:20 is all about:

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
— Galatians 2:20 (ESV)

How often do we quit serving or believing God because we have thoughts that feel like a brick wall to our progress? 

How often do we live out of fear, and because of that fear, we sit back and hope just being a Christian will change our world, or at least get us to heaven? 

Does God expect our lives to be that different from others around us that have no faith in Him?  And if so, why?

Do you see yourself as an image-bearer of the God who created not only you but the very universe you live in?  And here lies the question.  The identity question.  Which is?

Where is the life of Christ in the struggling believer? …

He is with us always! But we are a distracted people finding our identity in money, sex, job, prestige, happiness, parenting, and so much more! These things all compete for the allegiance of our soul that belongs to God alone!


How do you see yourself?  

If you could peak inside at your thought life what would we see?  

What emotions rule your world?

And when it comes to making your next move in life, what do you do?   And why do you do it? Is God satisfied with that move?   Are you?    

In Christ, all of these challenges become a source of hope rather than angst!  But when we take our eyes off of Christ, we may become discouraged and disillusioned by all the input not from Christ.  We may need to adjust our view of the Christian life. 

This is what the Xchange is all about, making an Xchange of any form of self driven life for the Life only Jesus can provide!

So, are you ready to get this journey started…

As a first step, I encourage you to sign up for my weekly email newsletter that will serve as an opportunity to keep up to date with what is happening in the Xchange and at the Xchange blog.  Be one of the first to know what happens next by signing up here.

Until next time, 

Be rich in Christ, and live resurrected!   


How a Good Identity Becomes Corrupt.